
Thursday, August 20, 2020

The 3 brothers and the Polar Bear

This is my argument writing from the 3 brothers and the Polar Bear
Hope you like it.
I did my argument writing on Google Docs


  1. Hi Sophia
    I really like your argument.
    I think it is the schools fault honestly.
    maybe next time you could make it on a slide so you don,t need to scroll so much.
    great job from Emma.

  2. Hi Sophia!
    I like your google doc very much,
    it is filled with information and
    what the characters did and who
    took most blames and who took less.
    Maybe next time you can work on the
    size of your post, if it doesn't
    come out properly you can just
    highlight all the words on the doc
    and copy and paste it on your blog
    post so the format isn't so small.

  3. Hi Sophia,
    This is a really cool blog post. I like how much description is in you writing, Maybe next time you write a bigger blurb about why you chose this subject.


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