
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

My Really Cool Airplane Logo


Hey guys this is just my Airplane Logo that I made.

The name means the capital of Chile which is Santiago of course.

Hope you like it.

By Sophia 



  1. Hi Sophia,

    I like your blog post. I like how you added a picture of what you have done. I like the layout you have put the photo and blurb in. Maybe next time you could add to your blurb why you had to do this and maybe what an Airplane Logo is? How long did this take you to make?

    Kind Regards Trintiy

  2. Hi Sophia. I like how you gave your flag a little star. Is the circle around the flag supposed to be part of the logo or is it just group things together? Maybe next time you could add a bit more detail to your logo because it looks a bit plain, pun intended. Why did you use the capital of Chile as the name? Keep up the good work,bye.

    1. Hey Daniel, yes the circle around the logo is to group things together. The reason why I but Air Santiago is because that's the capital of chile and that's were some of my family is
      - Sophia


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