
Friday, February 26, 2021

My colorful and amazing split art!


Hi my name is Sophia and this is my face split art that I have done in room 22. This took me 2-3 days to draw.  We had to do this to develop our  drawing and art skills.

How we drew the art:

We got our face printed out and then we traced over our faces on to some paper and then we shaded and drew some things that make us ourself and things that we like to do.

By Sophia.


  1. Nice job Sophia. I like how you made your shirt so full with colorful stuff. I'm actually doing a split face portrait too. Maybe next time you could give your face some stuff like your jacket. Keep up the good work, Bye.

  2. Hello Sophia,

    I think your self portrait is great! You added a lot of detail for you body and I think thats neat. Have you thought about adding more things to your face to attract attention?

  3. Hello Sophia,
    I love your amazing self portrait. its so cool.

    I think you should add some more detail to the Panmure Bridge uniform.

  4. Hello Sophia,
    I love your split art I like how you made your shirt colorful maybe next time you can add a bit more detail to your face
    Bye have a good day.

  5. Hello Sophia,
    your artwork looks amazing I really the shading you used.
    Maybe next time you could add more detail to your face on the colorful side.

  6. hi Sophia
    Your split face art look amazing it look so good . It really look like you. have a amazing day. from Rihana

  7. Hi Sophia!
    I like how you draw the hair. Maybe next time you would add more details.
    Bye have great day.

  8. Hello Sophia,
    I love your amazing self portrait. its so cool.

  9. Hi Sophia!
    I like your self portrait it's so cool.

  10. Hi Sophie!

    This drawing you have done looks very amazing and interesting.
    I like the way you have done your hair your shading is very good as well. The school top looks amazing and cool.
    Maybe next time you could add more colour.
    How long did this take?
    what is your favorite thing to draw?
    Was this fun to make?

    From savarnah

  11. Hey sophia
    I like how you add lots of colors.
    Do you like to eat McDonald.
    I like how you add friend and family and pets.
    Maybe next time add list colors.
    From Rihana

  12. Hey Sophia
    I like how you did the friends & family & pets & the tiktok i can see .
    And i now you like McDonald just maybe next time add list of colours but it look good & my favorite is the pets & family.
    What is your favorite ? and how are you?.
    Have a good day.
    by Rihana.

  13. hey Sophia
    How is your day going ?
    Your art look great.
    I like you McDonald do you like tiktok?
    I hope you have a good day.
    By Rihana


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