
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Prototec Math By Sophia

Prototec Math #3

This is my prototec math that I have done today. 
I have to work on grouping with 100 and my division and some of my subtraction



  1. Mōrena Sophia,
    Wow, you sure are getting speedy! You have been working hard on this, well done. Keep practicing everyday and you will be able to keep your time down and score up.
    Miss Ribotton
    Awhi Token

  2. Great work on your Prototec Sophia. You are trying really hard to get 100 percent correct. Every time you practise, you will get faster at answering the equations and also get them correct. Keep up the good work. You can never do too many Prototecs :)

  3. Kia Ora Sophia
    I´m Zoe from Yaldhurst Model School Christurch.
    Awesome job on your basic facts we use the same basic facts website but we do it on paper becuase it is easy for us too do it that way. You did great by geting allmost 100% thats amazing. Maybe next time you could add more about why you like doing this basic facts or what your favourite part about this math? What´s your favourite subject?
    Bye Bye Zoe


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