
Monday, September 6, 2021

Prototec #1 Week 7

 Prototec #1

This is my prototec results that I got today. I think that I can get a better score next time I do my prototec


  1. Hello Sophia
    Nice job on your prototec. I know it can be hard to get 100% of prototec but it's always good to try to get 100%. Next time double check the answers your not sure of to make sure you don't get any wrong.

  2. Hi Sophia. You have been working hard on your Prototec during Lockdown. Remember that every time you practice your maths, the equations will become easier and your time will get quicker too. Keep up the good work. Carol (TA)

    Awhi Token

  3. Kia Sophia I think thats really good it looks like you have been working hard keep trying so you get to 100%

  4. Nice job Sophia. Ninety percent is very good. I like how you put the certificate and the sheet on there. Maybe next time you could check your writing because you forgot a full stop at the end. Whats the best score you have gotten? Keep up the good work, bye.

  5. Hi sophia
    Good job on getting 90 maybe next time do not sit with your friends.
    And with the 8 + 7 it like 8 +8 but - 1 .
    How your day going?
    And how must do you like math out of ten with me i like math out of ten it would be 7 out of ten.
    What colours do you like? I like the colours blue red black & pink.
    Hope you get 100 one day.
    It good that you got 90 and 5 you did not get.
    And nice name.
    Have a nice day.
    ~From Rihana

  6. Hi sophia
    Good job on getting 90!
    That is Amazing!
    Maybe next time you sould not sit with you friends and you might even get 100%!!! Know that is be Cool! How Is your day going?

    from Savarnah


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