
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Mysterious Strange Magic. By Sophia.

Tonight was going to be a night to remember because I was going to go away from my school for a little bit, Oh!......I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Bella and everyone at my school fears me because I'm different to them.

Everyday at school the kids would always run away and scream “The Witch is coming!’’,  but that never stopped me from going to school, and learning new things.  Everyday after school I would go to my secret hideout and just practice my magic, it's the only time I can get some alone time and some peace and quiet.

Then I feel this raging ball of energy trying to get out of me, I try to control it but I can’t, the energy is too strong and is overpowering me. It calms down and I go back to normal.

In the end I think that it doesn't matter if I'm different or not because in reality I am the same as everyone else I just do things differently.

By Sophia.


  1. Kia Ora Sophia
    I love your story. I really like it because it really doesn't matter if your different from others, their still humans.


  2. Hi Sophia
    I like your story.
    Have you think of doing more story ?
    Do you like to make story Do you like making story ?
    How are you doing today ?
    Have you did other story ?
    Why did you make a story ?
    Have a good day.
    From Rihana


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