
Thursday, May 6, 2021

How to survive on an island.


This week in Reading we read about famous shipwrecks.
We had to to a DLO about what you would do if you got stranded on a island.
Hope you enjoy my slideshow.

By Sophia


  1. Hi Sophia
    this is very helpful if i would ever be stuck on an island next time could you add photos of what we need. What would we do if we didn't have all the supplies?

  2. Hello Sophia,
    This blog post is high quality. If someone was stuck on a island and they had the 2021 senior site on a device that they had with them and the device had internet then I think this blog post can really help. Why did you choose this topic?

  3. Hi Sophia,
    I really love your blog post as you have put in
    a lot of detail and information.
    Maybe next time you could add some images of
    maybe what the deserted island looks like etc.
    Also what this activity was for.
    Why did you have to do this activity?
    Overall I really enjoyed your blog post.
    I hope you have a good day! Bye!

  4. Hello Sophia,
    I really like the blog post you have done.
    Because it is interesting.
    And now i know how to survive on a island.
    Maybe next time you could add more images.
    other then that i really like this.
    how long did this take to do?
    From Savarnah

  5. Kia Ora Sophia I really like you blog post I think you have done really goo Maybe next time you can add some photos of what we will need what if we don´t have everything


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